Date:February 16, 2019

Hose Nozzles

Our Range of Hand Watering and washdown nozzles


Rainpro Shower Nozzle


Cloudburst Nozzle


Ultramax Full Throttle Nozzle


Ultramax Turbo Shift Nozzle


Cyclone Nozzle


Rainmaker Nozzle


Rainbow Nozzle


Magnum Nozzle


Magnum Mini Nozzle


Hotshot Multi Pattern Nozzle


Coolpro Nozzle


Fog Combination Nozzle


Fanshot Plus Nozzle

Available with Blue, Red, or Yellow nozzle tip – scroll down for more details on each coloured tip


Fanshot Blue Nozzle Tip

Output 30gpm (gallons per minute)


Fanshot Red Nozzle Tip

Output 20gpm (gallons per minute)


Fanshot Yellow Nozzle Tip

Output 10gpm (gallons per minute)


Brass Flat Fan Nozzle


6″ Brass Super Sweeper Nozzle


4″ Brass Adjustable Super Sweeper Nozzle


2″ Brass Super Sweeper Nozzle


Drainblaster Nozzle


Bubbler Nozzle